Authorization Procedures
For Preaching and the Administration of the Lord’s Supper/Eucharist/Holy Communion
on Columbia Theological Seminary Property
Approved by Faculty Meeting, April 2017
All worship at CTS is open to the public, and such worship often includes preaching and the administration of the Lord’s Supper.
Typically, most preachers and presiders at communion come from the seminary community. Occasionally, however, persons who are not CTS faculty, staff, trustees or students may be invited to preach or to preside at communion.
The faculty of CTS (as a collective body) has oversight of preaching and the administration of the Lord’s Supper on all seminary property.
The following authorization procedures deal with preaching and the administration of the Lord’s Supper on seminary property. All such procedures are subject to the bylaws and plan of government of the seminary.
1. All CTS faculty (including emeritus and adjunct faculty), trustees, staff, alumni/ae, and students may preach on seminary property without additional authorization.
2. All others are invited to preach only with prior written authorization.
3. Authorization is requested by writing to the Associate Dean for Worship Life, ordinarily two weeks in advance.
4. The Associate Dean for Worship Life may give written authorization or refer the request to the Worship and Convocations Committee for decision. The Committee may consider the request by email or in a called meeting.
The Lord’s Supper
1. Upon recommendation of the Worship and Convocations Committee, every occasion of the Lord’s Supper at CTS is authorized by the faculty, under the authority granted by the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (USA).
2. All CTS faculty (including emeritus and adjunct faculty), trustees, staff, alumni/ae, and students who are authorized by their ecclesial body to administer the Lord’s Supper may do so on seminary property, according to the established customs of their own tradition.
3. All others are invited to preside only with prior written authorization.
4. Authorization is requested by writing to the Associate Dean for Worship Life, ordinarily two weeks in advance.
5. The Associate Dean for Worship Life may give written authorization or refer the request to the Worship and Convocations Committee for decision. The Committee may consider the request by email or in a called meeting.