The CTS Community Garden, sponsored by SAGE, is located on the large field behind the NRH, behind the fence which separates it from the soccer field and is open to all students, faculty and staff.
Community Gardening: SAGE, Shaping Attention to God's Earth, student organization organizes community work days as part of our event scheduling. We work on the community section of the garden and do general maintenance around the area (organizing/cleaning the shed, weed eating, maintaining the compost, etc.).
Composting: Would you you like to compost but don't have the equipment or space? Bring your compostable waste to the Community Garden. Add materials to the compost barrels, which are blue and raised, and compost piles, which are next to the barrels and are constructed of wood. NOTE: Our composting system is not capable of accepting meat, oils/fats, animal waste, cooked or prepared foods, any kind of plastic whatsoever, or items which specifically state that they must be composted in an industrial composting system. Fruits, vegetables, plant off cuts, coffee grounds & filters, compostable tea bags (check to make sure they don't contain plastic or metal), hair, nail clippings, brown cardboard (shredded), and newspaper are all welcomed and appreciated! If anyone goes fishing and has leftover earthworms, the compost would love them. SAGE will take care of turning the compost.
Plot Leasing: A number of garden plots are available for semester-long lease to students, faculty, and staff. The cost of leasing a plot is $10 per semester, which contributes to SAGE funding, and 5 hours of community garden work per month, which can be done outside of community work days and is to be self-reported. Current box holders are given renewal on boxes before new leases are assigned. If needed, leases may be provided in sections of the community garden (ie. we'll make them their own plot, but it might not be an actual box). In order to extend box leases for further semesters, boxes must show evidence of being worked and lessees must have properly paid and contributed to community garden hours.
For more information or if students have cost issues, contact: