Felicia grew up in the inner-city of Los Angles and the westside (Crenshaw District).  Before moving to Atlanta she lived in East Anaheim, CA – just 10 minutes from Disneyland! Felicia is a graduate of California State University Long Beach where she studied Business Administration. Even though her roots are on the West Coast, she’s lived in Atlanta since 2005, and has come to love the entrepreneurial spirit of the people in the city.

Felicia is the Office Coordinator in the Office of Student Affairs and Community Life. In this role, she works to maintain a hospitable and welcoming environment for all guests who visit the office. Felicia also coordinates logistics for OSACL-sponsored program and events. She also supervises seminary service students and makes sure that Brandon, Katie, and Khalfani don’t goof off too much. When she’s not at Columbia, you can find her uber-ing for two clients, exclusively: her 11-year-old daughter and 9-year-old son. She also enjoys grilling in the backyard with her extended family – many of whom live in Atlanta. If you visit her in OSACL, don’t be surprised if you catch her snacking on sunflower seeds (her favorite!), playing the latest Hillsong album, or jamming out to neo-soul.