As the solo pastor of a small church, our prospective pastor should expect to provide traditional, Biblically-based preaching & teaching along with administration of the Sacraments of the Church. Effective communication with our congregation should be provided via in person contact,telephone,text,email,& through our weekly newsletter & website. Other tasks & assignments include, but are not limited to: Moderating Session,developing relationships with congregants, providing counseling, visiting homebound/hospitalized &offering Communion opportunities to those members, assisted by a member of session. We seek a pastor who will provide loving & genuine pastoral care to those experiencing significant life events/crisis, etc. Our pastor should be involved with the committees of the church to provide guidance & to assist in goal/strategy setting related to church affairs. Finally, it is our wish that our pastor become immersed in our community, dedicated to growing our congregation, participative & active in our Presbytery, & is committed to lead our congregation & community through a Christian example.
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